Mobile Application Design Process

As an experienced mobile app design company, we understand that developing and designing mobile apps are critical considerations in reaching your target audience.

App Design is where your app starts to become reality from a simple idea. Apple and Android both have their own design guidelines that must be followed to achieve the desired results. Many designers can make an app out of you, but only those with substantial and varied experience can give you the right result in terms of relevance and aesthetics.

At DhairyaTech, our designers have been creating iOS and Android apps since the launch of the first iPhone and Android devices. We have seen many iterations and improvements to Apple and Google design conventions over the past 3 years and can confidently promise our customers the results they want.

Apple and Google have their own design conventions. While there are many areas where design conventions intersect, there are many differences at fundamental levels. You need to hire a design team that understands the difference between the two.

Flat Design

Material Design

No use of shadows or Skeuomorphism

Detailed instructions for each item

Not many animations

Great for Responsive designs

No sense of Physics

Fastest loading

Shadows are used

Fundamental laws for a large set of objects

Use of Animations

Works great for responsive designs

A sense of natural Physics and interactivity

Charging depends on the device

Apple’s Flat Design-

Apple has moved to flat designs since iOS 7. Flat designs eliminate shadows, gradients, and textures for efficient app performance. You can also say that when a skeuomorphic design is reduced to the absolute basics, you get a flat design.

The smart implementation of the flat design can provide direct insight into the various navigation options within the app or website. In addition to efficient performance, the flat design is extremely easy to scale, making it compatible with all screen sizes, including desktops and HD monitors.

Google’s Material Design-

Material Design is a step back towards skeuomorphic design and uses shadows to create the perception of depth and a three-dimensional effect. While Apple's flatbed design conventions shifted the focus to performance, many disagreed with a complete removal of skeuomorphism.

Material Design does not specify conventions for each element, unlike Apple. But what it does do is provide the designer with conventions that in many cases mimic natural physics, making it intuitively understandable to users. Conventions do not deal with microscopic aspects unlike Apple, but nevertheless they are presented clearly.

Material Design uses Zaxis to create 3D effects and a depth effect. The shapes of an object or material can change and take different forms. The depth of the shadow also plays an important role in choosing the type of element on the screen. As with flat designs, Material Design also shows great compatibility between devices.

DhairyaTech has been designing user interface and application user experience for 3 years. With a consolidated experience of over 11 apps, we are one of the best app design companies you can hire. We've seen the entire timeline of the app design, as well as the periodic changes. Enough reasons to hire us for your app design project.

Why should you hire DhairyaTech's mobile application designer to design your application?

Designers with 5 years of experience

Experience in all categories of applications

Individual designers with experience in both flat user interface and material design

Strong experience in designing apps on iOS timeline and Android

Choose any designer you want

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